From the course: CompTIA Cloud (CV0-003) Cert Prep

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Review disaster recovery tasks

Review disaster recovery tasks

- A major part of business continuity is disaster recovery, and it's important to be able to identify the tasks associated with that process. Join us for that discussion right now. - [Announcer] You're watching ITProTV. (beeping) (funky electronic music) - Hello ladies and gentlemen, thank you for tuning in to more of the CompTIA Cloud series. That's right, we are going to be talking about another important concept when it comes to cloud-based operations, right? And really, operations in the entire business, right? And that's something known as disaster recovery. Ronnie, I know there are many different concepts that we need to be aware of when it comes to, you know, just disaster recovery in general, so can you let our viewers know, what are some of the tasks that we're going to be looking at? - All right, so Wes, in this particular episode we're going to be covering, let me make sure, five or six different tasks, can't count anymore. So we're going to be talking about failover and…
