From the course: CompTIA Cloud (CV0-003) Cert Prep

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Identify different OS security controls

Identify different OS security controls

From the course: CompTIA Cloud (CV0-003) Cert Prep

Identify different OS security controls

- Operating system security controls, well what do we do with them? Let's find out more next. - [Announcer] You're are watching IT Pro TV. (upbeat music) - Operating systems, of course, are what we actually use on a daily basis, whether we're talking, of course, about servers or end users having to actually be able to work with computers, but there are security controls on them and we need to be able to identify them. And I was trying to think, Wes, the very fact is normally I lecture about it and then we do a demo about it, but I couldn't think of a good way to do this except by saying, Wes, let's just do a demo and we'll talk through it as we actually try and implement some of these things, and that way we'll should become more familiar with it. - All right, it sounds good and that's what we'll do here. So let's go ahead and we're going to dive right into the cloud based based platform here. Again, keep in mind that we're using Azure. If you are coming over from A , if you're coming…
