From the course: CompTIA Cloud (CV0-003) Cert Prep

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Explain high availability and scaling for cloud

Explain high availability and scaling for cloud

From the course: CompTIA Cloud (CV0-003) Cert Prep

Explain high availability and scaling for cloud

- There are times when we need to ensure that we have enough resources available, as well as making sure that they are available. How do we do that? Stay tuned to find out. - [Narrator] You're watching "ITProTV." (soft electronic music) - Hello ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for tuning in to more of the CompTIA Cloud . That's right, in this episode, we're going to be talking about a very, very prevalent technology in all cloud-based types of solutions. Now Ronnie, I know there are times when we have a certain amount of infrastructure, we hope we plan for the amount of people that are going to be using that infrastructure, but sometimes we have those peak times when we need a little bit more, and we also want to make sure that it's fault tolerant. And that's where we're going to talk about things like scalability and high availability. When we talk about scalability, what are we really meaning as a base definition? - Okay, so when we start talking about the idea of scalability here…
