From the course: CompTIA Cloud (CV0-003) Cert Prep

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Discuss provisioning storage resources

Discuss provisioning storage resources

From the course: CompTIA Cloud (CV0-003) Cert Prep

Discuss provisioning storage resources

- The cloud allows us to store our data, but before we can do that, we have to be able to provision storage resources. Join us for that conversation starting right now. - [Announcer] You're watching "IT Pro TV." (graphics chiming) (graphics whooshing) - Hello ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for tuning in to more of the CompTIA Cloud Series. That's right. We're going to be talking more of those resources that we have in the cloud. We've talked about things like, well, the compute resources, right? - Right. - We've talked about networking. Now, it's time to talk a little bit about storage and some of the things that you need to be able to identify on the exam to be successful. Ronnie, when it comes to storing resources, I know that cloud is really, you know, it is all, it's information technology, right? And it allows us the ability to move our data into the cloud, but we have to have a certain things created, right? - Right. - And that's where the storage provisioning comes in. Can…
