From the course: CompTIA Cloud (CV0-003) Cert Prep

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Discuss deploying SR-IOV

Discuss deploying SR-IOV

- Network optimization is an important thing to deploy in your virtualization environment. See how we do that through single root I/O virtualization. - [Announcer] You're watching ITProTV. (Jazzy music) (air whooshing) - Hello ladies and gentlemen, thank you for tuning into more of the CompTIA Cloud Plus series, that's right the next topic that we're going to talk about is a lot easier to understand sometimes than it is to say, and you'll might hear it, the acronym SR-IOV and Ronnie And I don't like throwing acronyms at you without defining what they are. So let me help you out with there and I'm going to try to help, hopefully I help you out. Ronnie's laughing 'cause it's single root I/O virtualization and it is a way that we can optimize the performance of our devices, our virtual machines inside of a virtualized environment. Ronnie, tell us a little more. - All right, so when it comes down to this particular topic, we're also going to throw in another concept here that we call a…
