From the course: CompTIA Cloud (CV0-003) Cert Prep

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Describe operational management concepts

Describe operational management concepts

From the course: CompTIA Cloud (CV0-003) Cert Prep

Describe operational management concepts

- Maintaining operations in the cloud is essential for business continuity, join us for those concepts starting right now. - [Announcer] You're watching ITPro TV. (upbeat music) - Hello ladies and gentlemen, thank you for tuning into more of the CompTIA Cloud . All right, viewers don't run, we're not talking paperwork yet, but we are going to be talking about some of the concepts surrounding how we maintain operations within the cloud, and it's important to understand and be able to identify some of those concepts for the exams should you be given a scenario. Alright, Ronnie, I know we've got a quite a few things that we've got to talk about. And rather than just give you a long diatribe on this, I'm going to go ahead and let you kick this off. Where are we going to get started there, Ronnie? - All right, well, when it comes down to operational management, there's a ton of different things we can talk about. We've broken it down, of course, according to what the exam objectives are…
