From the course: CompTIA Cloud (CV0-003) Cert Prep

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Deploying virtual routing demo

Deploying virtual routing demo

- All right, we've been talking about the idea of virtual routing, but we need to see at least one example of it. And Wes Bryan's going to help us out. Make sure you join us next. - [Announcer] You're watching ITProTV. (upbeat techno music) - That's right, we are jumping in to a demonstration episode, and I love these episodes, once again, because, well, Wes did all the work. And believe it or not, Wes, I do appreciate all the work that you've actually done for these particular demonstrations that you've shown us. They give really valuable, real world experience for us, learning how to actually configure some of this stuff. Even if it's not really trying to answer an exam objective question, it really does provide good context for us. So Wes, where are we going to begin? - All right, so one of the things that I want to show you is, we talked about VPCs in the past episode, and we want you to remember that VPCs, essentially the virtual private cloud, that is the name in convention, if…
