From the course: CompTIA Cloud (CV0-003) Cert Prep

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Deploying networking services demo

Deploying networking services demo

- It is now time for us to actually see a demonstration of course on network services. So join us next. - [Announcer] You are watching ITProTV. - You can't get more happy than this guy right here because this particular episode is all Wes Bryan all the time. It's 'cause he's got a demo for us. Now Wes, we did talk about quite a few concepts in terms of networking services and this is one of those things that's easy to kind of go, oh, I know about networking, but we want to take a little bit of time and make sure that we kind of show some of the details. This is probably going to be more important in the workplace than it is even for the exam. - Most definitely, you know, when we talk, we talked about things like DNS, we talked about NTP, you know, 'cause we need some kind of time service. We also talked about the concept of content delivery networks. And if you're not familiar with those topics, I would encourage you to go back and watch that video. You can certainly watch the…
