From the course: CompTIA Cloud (CV0-003) Cert Prep

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Configuring to maintain operational status demo

Configuring to maintain operational status demo

From the course: CompTIA Cloud (CV0-003) Cert Prep

Configuring to maintain operational status demo

- That's right. We've been talking about monitoring, but now it's time to see it actually in action in Azure. Join us next. - [Announcer] You are watching ITProTV. - That's right, it's happy, happy, joy, joy for this guy right here because this is a Wes Bryan demonstration on, of course, well, the stuff that we've just talked about. Alright, Wes, when it comes down to it, we've actually mentioned, of course, the different things on logging and monitoring and alerting, but now it actually is very neat because the demo that we have really does wrap up all three of those. - It really is, you know what? We set the stage, Ronnie, when we talked about, you know, monitoring, alerting, and logging, really all being complimentary to each other and you really utilize all three of them. So what we're going to do here is we're going to use the Azure platform and what I'd like to show you is how you can perform all three in a cloud-based environment. We've gone ahead and we've, I've written down…
