From the course: CompTIA Cloud (CV0-003) Cert Prep

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Choose the protocol to secure cloud traffic

Choose the protocol to secure cloud traffic

From the course: CompTIA Cloud (CV0-003) Cert Prep

Choose the protocol to secure cloud traffic

- We make connections to resources and all kinds of things within the cloud, and we need to make sure that that traffic is secure. How do we do that? What do we have available? Stick around as that conversation is starting right now. (upbeat music) - You're watching ITProTV. - Hello ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for tuning in to more of the CompTIA Cloud . That's right, we're going to talk about securing traffic between our machines and in the cloud, and maybe even some securing of the traffic that's traversing the cloud as well. And you know, Ronnie, this might be something where maybe some people don't realize that we have more that's available to us than you might think, right? In some of the demos that we've shown you, we're opening a web browser and we're connecting to cloud-based resources. And you might say, well, Wes, we know that we have secure HTTP, but you might be surprised to learn that that's not the only option that you have and certainly not the only traffic that you…
