From the course: CompTIA Cloud (CV0-003) Cert Prep

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Analyze the IAM solutions

Analyze the IAM solutions

- We've talked a lot about security access control, join us for a discussion on scenario-based questions, starting right now. - [Presenter] You're watching ITProTV. (lively music) - Hello, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for tuning to more of the CompTIA Cloud . That's right, in this episode, we're going to be doing some of my favorite stuff. And you know I've been having fun through the series, Ronnie, I know you have as well too, but I really like these because we're going to look at some scenarios that Ronnie's created. So it'll help you kind of get an idea of some of the things that you could utilize when you go in to take that Cloud exam. Now, Ronnie, without giving secret ingredients here, what are we going to be looking at? - How evil I really am? - [Wes] Mua-ha-ha, are we going to go, mua-ha-ha? - Not really, yeah. This is our chance to kind of take the things that we've been talking about over the last several episodes and put them together in an analysis type of situation…
