From the course: CompTIA Cloud (CV0-003) Cert Prep

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Analyze security requirement solutions

Analyze security requirement solutions

From the course: CompTIA Cloud (CV0-003) Cert Prep

Analyze security requirement solutions

- So we've talked about security requirements and some of the solutions available. Now let's see how they apply to scenarios, starting right now. - [Announcer] You are watching, ITProTV. (gentle music) - Hello ladies and gentlemen, thank you for tuning into more of the CompTIA Cloud Show. That's right, one of my favorite type of episodes that we're going to have as we've been talking a lot about security requirements and some of the tools and solutions we have to help us meet those requirements in Cloud-based technologies. But now it's time to apply those to scenarios, and without letting the cat out of the bag. Ronnie, where are we going to start? I would say probably to scenario one. - Right, yeah, we're definitely going to jump right into scenario one here as we get started. But remember what I actually entitled this episode, right, is Analyze the Solutions that we have. And that's the goal for us on these types of scenarios that we're giving, is that what we want you to do is…
