From the course: CompTIA Cloud Essentials (CLO-002) Cert Prep

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Compare and contrast cloud migration approaches

Compare and contrast cloud migration approaches

From the course: CompTIA Cloud Essentials (CLO-002) Cert Prep

Compare and contrast cloud migration approaches

- [Instructor] This next topic explores the concepts of different approaches to getting your organization into the cloud to include, rip and replace, lift and shift, hybrid and phase deployments. Cloud strategy planning is conducted prior to migration. You should assess your goals for going to the cloud to include benefits, tools, development and budgeting. Without knowing where you want to go, there's really no way to get there. So general assessment must be done to select a migration strategy based on your goals and available resources. Then you'll conduct a platform baseline. From here, you can form an initial plan and finalize your migration strategy. Let's focus a little more on platform baseline. It's an architectural assessment that dictates whether your landing zone, also known as your foundational build, is acceptable. Your landing zone or foundational build is essentially the cloud environment you're migrating…
