From the course: CompTIA A Core 2 (220-1102) Cert Prep

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Dealing with threats

Dealing with threats

- If you want to avoid threats, you need to keep your shells from being vulnerable. So we need to protect our hosts and we need to protect our networks. We also need physical security but I'm going to cover that in another episode. So if you want to avoid threats, you have to not be vulnerable in the first place. So what I'm talking about in this episode is dealing with threats by reducing vulnerabilities. So in particular, let's start off with the most important place and where the A is going to concentrate on, and that's on individual hosts. Now, if you've been watching this series, you already know a lot of the answers to what I'm about to say. I'm just going to put it together in one nice, neat place. You guys ready? Number one, patch your system. Holy moly, it's so important to patch your systems. In fact, pretty much all operating systems automatically patch these days. Threats come out so fast these…
