From the course: Coaching Yourself to Career Success

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Dig into the real career challenge

Dig into the real career challenge

- I worked with a client who was an operations leader. Let's call her Amy. As she was approaching her ten-year work anniversary with her company, she started to feel unhappy, so she decided to change jobs internally. She interviewed for a finance leader role and was so happy to receive the call that she'd gotten the role. But just after three months in the new job, Amy found herself unhappy once again. She decided to engage me as her coach. Once we started working together, we quickly began getting clear about her real challenge. It wasn't about her job. She was unhappy with the direction her organization was taking. It seems there was a mismatch between her core values and theirs. This clarity of the real challenge gave Amy the information she needed to make an informed decision about her situation, which ultimately resulted in her leaving her organization. Amy joined a new company with similar values to hers and…
