From the course: Coaching Yourself to Career Success

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Conduct a career skills audit

Conduct a career skills audit

- Have you ever interviewed for a role that you thought you were going to get only to find out later you didn't get it? I had a client who experienced the same situation. She'd been with her employer for over 25 years when she decided to apply for a higher level role, competing against a person with less tenure. My client just knew she would get the role based on her performance over the years and tenure with the company. Unfortunately, she didn't get the role. Someone with less tenure did. When my client asked why, the hiring manager shared, "You have one year of experience, 25 times. You never diversified your skills. The person who got the role is less tenured, but they have the equivalent of 10 years of experience based on how they have diversified their skills." That was a sobering wake-up call for my client. I've seen so many clients with strong performance and lots of years of experience interview for roles only to…
