From the course: Coaching Yourself to Career Success

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Activate courage

Activate courage

- You've probably heard the question, "What would you do if you knew you could not fail?" When I've asked my clients, some of the answers I've heard include, "Ask for the promotion "I should've received years ago. "Take a stretch assignment. Transition to a new role, "Go back to school and change careers." When I'm asking them to tell me what's getting in the way of them moving forward, typically their shoulders slump and voices lower with feelings of sadness. And then the answer they share is fear. Everyone struggles with fear, fear of the known and unknown, fear of failing, and even fear of succeeding. It takes tremendous courage to move forward in the midst of fear. Activating your courage is critical to achieving the results you want. Let's explore how to use courage in coaching yourself. Consider the situation you're grappling with. It might be transitioning to a new career. What excites you about it? Maybe it's…
