From the course: Coaching for Results

What you should know before watching

From the course: Coaching for Results

What you should know before watching

- To get the most out of this course, I want to make sure we're all starting from the same foundation. If you're just beginning your work as a manager coach I recommend that you watch my course Coaching and Developing Employees for two reasons. One, it'll give you the essential skills and tools to start coaching with your people. And two, as you go through this course I'll be referring to things like the grow model, powerful questions, active listening and letting your employee lead. All of that and more is covered in Coaching and Developing Employees. I also recommend watching Delegating Tasks. Now here's why. The bulk of your day-to-day coach opportunities live in the land of delegation. And for delegation to be successful, it has to come with coaching, not micromanaging. It's great to assign a task, to make your load lighter while also producing results, but it's even better if the things you delegate help your people increase their autonomy. And this takes practice. Now, speaking of practice, I'll be talking about your coaching work with people as a practice. And as a coach, I have a practice full of clients, I'm practicing and evolving all the time. It's the same for you. The people or team you manage is your practice. So watch both courses to compliment and deepen what you're learning in this course. And let's get started producing results for you, your people and your organization.
