From the course: Coaching Employees through Difficult Situations

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Suggesting supplemental resources

Suggesting supplemental resources

- Are you a coach who also has a day job? One of the biggest challenges with coaching is finding the time to do it on top of all your other work. I get it. And while the tips in this course help you break it down into manageable chunks, the best tip of all is outsourcing. You don't have to do all the heavy lifting. Outsource some of the work. As a coach, there are a few ways you can use outside resources to your advantage. The first is skills training. If you inherit someone who's under-skilled, look for people and organizations who can train them. There are industry events, outside training programs, and even product experts on your own staff. Is there a course on this site or a LinkedIn Learning program, or an article that can teach these skills as well or even better than you can? When you outsource skills training, it saves you time and shifts the responsibility to the learner. Relationship development is another…
