From the course: Coaching Employees through Difficult Situations

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Coaching someone who makes excuses

Coaching someone who makes excuses

- But it's not my fault. Unfortunately, that's a common phrase all coaches hear, way too often. The key is to address the habit of excuse making, so you don't have to take up the argument on each individual excuse. In this scenario, Lisa didn't finish her monthly reports on time and it's not the first time this has happened. I'm going to talk to her about it and she can't wait to tell me the 35 reasons why she didn't get it done. And one more thing, Lisa, I notice it's the third and you haven't sent out your reports. - Yeah, I just didn't get to 'em. You know, Chad needed help with a bunch of stuff, and then Susan had that big project, and so I was just totally swamped. Yeah, I'll get to 'em. - Yeah, I noticed this has happened in the last couple of months. - I know, I there's just, there's so much going on and people are just pulling me in every direction. And so a lot of times I can't get 'em when the…
