From the course: Coaching Employees through Difficult Situations

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Coaching someone who is a poor performer

Coaching someone who is a poor performer

- When you're coaching a poor performer, it's hard to know where to start. The trick is to pick high value behaviors. In this scenario, Lisa's new to our purchasing department and she's not doing very well. She's made a lot of mistakes and she works too slowly. Watch how I navigate the situation. So how's your week going? - It's going pretty good. I think I'm getting the hang of it. - Good, I know you're with sales this week, right? - Yes, I am. Boy they move fast. - They really do. So one of the things I love about our sales team is how efficient they are. - Yeah, they seem good. - They are, they juggle a lot of different priorities but they always manage to use their time really effectively. So when you're with them this week I want you to pay attention to how they're managing their time and how they're getting all of their deliverables done. - Okay. Okay, I can focus on that. - So efficiency is your theme…
