From the course: Coaching Employees through Difficult Situations

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Coaching someone who is a bad communicator

Coaching someone who is a bad communicator

- How do you coach something you're naturally good at? When something comes naturally to you chances are you didn't have to spend as much time learning. You didn't fail as frequently and you don't understand how challenging it can be for someone who isn't a natural. The area I see this play out the most is communication. The bosses who love to coach are often naturally great communicators and they have trouble understanding someone who isn't but all hope is not lost, communication can be coached. In this scenario, I'm coaching Elizabeth, a software engineer who's had a couple of pretty significant miscommunications in the last few weeks. Watch how I make communication less confusing and more accessible. I've been thinking about all our projects and Jason told me you might need some more time on the one you've been working on. - Yeah, maybe. - Yeah maybe or yeah? - Probably. I think I'll need some more time. - You…
