From the course: Coaching Employees through Difficult Situations

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Coaching someone who has been promoted

Coaching someone who has been promoted

- Coaching someone who just got promoted can be really exciting. Chances are, they're eager and ready to learn. It's a great opportunity for you, as a coach, to maximize their ambition and take them to the next step. In most cases, the new role is different than the person's previous role, and will require a different set of skills. In this situation, I'll be coaching Lisa, who's new to my team. Lisa started as a graphic designer and has just been promoted to a Director role in our Marketing Department. Her new role means she needs to provide clear direction instead of just taking direction. Watch how I harness that energy and give her an opportunity to kill it in this new role. Hey, Lisa. - Hey. - How's it going? - It's going great. There's a lot going on. I'm getting my sea legs, but it is really going well. - Great, I know in your last role, you were so good at taking direction, but also adding that little…
