From the course: Coaching Employees through Difficult Situations

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Coaching someone who has a big ego

Coaching someone who has a big ego

- A terrible performer can get better without ever recognizing or acknowledging their terrible performance. That's right. People do not need to accurately assess themselves in order to improve. And one of the big reasons poor performers don't recognize their weak spots is ego. Coaching someone who has a big ego can be a challenge. When you see someone doing a poor job and they think they're doing a great job it's tempting to confront them with a list of mistakes. We think if only this person could see how terrible they are then we can get started on improving things. Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way. In this situation, Lisa believes she's an HR genius but Lisa has made some bad hires in the last few months. And I'm worried she's not thoroughly vetting people and having in-depth conversations with their references. Watch how I handle this situation. One more thing. I wanted to talk about the hires we've made…
