From the course: Coaching Employees through Difficult Situations

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Coaching someone who can't take critique

Coaching someone who can't take critique

- Do you have an employee who crumbles in the face of a mistake or a bad critique? This is the type of person who's really hard on themselves and wants to do a good job, which is great but it can make coaching tricky because you as the coach spend a lot of time worried about hurt feelings. A lot of people grew up in environments where critique was fatal. Any bad commentary means they're on shaky ground. The key to coaching that person is to help them develop a growth mindset and change the way they look at critiques in general. In this scenario, Elizabeth wrote some new copy for our website. It's pretty good but I think she can make it sound more conversational. Watch how I present my critique. Hey Elizabeth. - Hey. - Hey, I wanted talk to you about the copy you wrote for our website. - Oh good, what'd you think? - I think it's really good And I think you're a talented writer. - Aw thanks. - There's one area I…
