From the course: Cloud Security Concepts: Services and Compliance

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Third-party cloud security services

Third-party cloud security services

- [Instructor] Third-party security services are purchased outside of your cloud provider and can provide a different level of value, since they are cloud-agnostic. In this video, we'll explore the benefits and drawbacks of third=party security services. You'll find that neither AWS or Microsoft have all of the security services that you'll need for your cloud-based applications and data. In these cases, we'll look for third-party services in the marketplaces that most public infrastructure as a service cloud providers provide. This is a simple listing of services you can add to your public cloud account and leverage them as native services. Understand, however, they are created and maintained by third-party providers working with your public cloud provider, and they are not controlled directly by the provider. You'll often have to reach out to a third-party provider for support. Sometimes, it's difficult to figure out solutions to problems, considering it could be the cloud provider,…
