From the course: Cloud Security Concepts: Services and Compliance

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Current cloud security trends to watch

Current cloud security trends to watch

- [Instructor] The world of cloud security is constantly evolving. So staying on top of emerging trends is a critical component to your role. Let's look at three trends that are likely to occur. First and not surprising is the continued integration of AI technology into security systems. This will be leveraged for both learning how to be a better security system and providing better proactive security operations, or SecOps. So stay in the loop on where and how the latest AI technology is being developed. The second trend will be the incorporation of centralized security for cloud computing. Right now, most enterprises leverage whatever security system is offered by a specific cloud provider within that provider. So you can end up with a multi-cloud deployment using three different public cloud providers with three different security systems, one for each provider. Clearly that causes too much complexity and adds cost. Thus, the use of a single security system that's able to cover all…
