From the course: Choosing a Cross-Platform Development Tool

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Where PWAs excel

Where PWAs excel

- [Instructor] From a user's standpoint, PWAs are data friendly. A multimedia byte native app downloaded from an app store can usually be created using a fraction of the size. In addition, the install isn't necessary before users can interact with the app. The user can decide whether to install or not after they use the app. From a developer's perspective, there are benefits as well. PWAs are easily updated. When new features or content are added developers simply need to update the files on their servers. If set up correctly, the PWA will automatically download and install the new features on next launch. Sharing a PWA is extremely easy, it's a URL after all. Links can be embedded virtually anywhere, including on social media and in an email. No app store involvement is required for updates or sharing. In addition, PWAs include support for features like push notifications, allowing for increased user engagement. For…
