From the course: Choosing a Cross-Platform Development Tool

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Tools and technologies

Tools and technologies

- [Instructor] Today's modern browsers now support many features to address the shortcomings of native apps and hybrid frameworks. They can load content while offline and support standardized technologies like responsive design and web push notifications. On mobile devices, browser support adding web apps to home screens. The result is an app like experience, and this is what progressive web apps are all about. Progressive web apps, or PWAs, are websites that can be stored on a mobile device using new web technologies like web app manifests and JavaScript service workers. PWAs are responsive. They should load and present themselves on a variety of platforms and screen sizes much like any other responsive website. PWAs are secure. In fact, one of the requirements of PWAs is that they must be served over HTTPS. PWAs are usable when no data connection is present. This works by caching necessary resources on a device…
