From the course: Choosing a Cross-Platform Development Tool

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- [Instructor] So we've looked at a few of the more popular Cross-platform frameworks, but you should know that there are others too. If you're developing Cross-platform games you'll want to investigate the Corona SDK. Corona is a gaming engine that uses the Lua Programming Language to build Cross-platform apps with full access to the native system. Another option is native script, a Cross-platform JavaScript framework that generates platform native UIs using Angular, TypeScript and JavaScript. Native script allows developers to choose their own tools or developers can install native script support as a visual studio plugin. Find out more at the native script homepage. Ionic is an open source framework for creating hybrid mobile apps. Ionic is also built on Cordova and include support for Angular JS and TypeScript, in addition to HTML, CSS and JavaScript for building apps. Ionic includes access to starter templates, native…
