From the course: Choosing a Cross-Platform Development Tool

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Native cross-platform solutions

Native cross-platform solutions

- [Instructor] Cross-Platform Native Apps, are written in programming languages, that aren't native to the mobile operating system, where the app will run. The native app framework is responsible for compiling and translating the code written into apps, that run natively for each supported platform. Their result is an app that is virtually indistinguishable from any other native app. Taking a closer look at Cross-Platform Native Apps, shows that there are two distinct kinds of apps. The first type of Cross-Platform Native App, uses the same business logic for all platforms. But the UI code for each platform is written independently. This is how many Xamarin apps work. The business logic is written in C-sharp, but the UI code also written in C-sharp, is different for each platform. The second type of cross-platform native app, utilize a shared code for both the business logic and the UI. Xamarin includes a film's package…
