From the course: Choosing a Cross-Platform Development Tool

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Cross-platform vs. native development

Cross-platform vs. native development

- [Instructor] For the most part, developing cross platform apps is identical to developing any kind of app. You'll code the app, send it to the compiler, test your work, and debug any problems that arise by writing and editing code. This gets the process started over again until you are satisfied with the results. Coding a cross platform app can be slightly more complex than coding other kinds of apps. In many cases, you'll have a choice as to which editor you'll use. Traditional native apps tie it to a given development tool, such as Android Studio or Xcode. Cross platform app development usually provides much more flexibility in terms of choosing an editor. Having said that, nearly all cross platform frameworks have a set of tools you'll need to use to build projects. These range from command line tools, like those in Cordova and React Native, to full-blown IDEs, like those provided by Xamarin. And at least in my…
