From the course: Choosing a Cross-Platform Development Tool

Choosing a cross-platform development tool

From the course: Choosing a Cross-Platform Development Tool

Choosing a cross-platform development tool

- [Instructor] Supporting multiple mobile platforms is a lot of work. You'll need to know multiple programming languages, multiple development tools, and have intimate knowledge of each platform your app will support. Fortunately, cross-platform solutions have emerged that provide support for creating cross-platform apps using a single technology stack. In this course, we'll look at some of today's most popular cross-platform app development frameworks. Welcome, I'm Tom Duffy, chair of the Computer Science Department at Norwalk Community College. I'll be your guide as we explore five of the most popular cross-platform frameworks, Cordova, React Native, Xamarin, Flutter, and Progressive Web Apps. We'll talk about the technology used by each tool, as well as the benefits of using the technology. This course will give you a basis for choosing a cross-platform framework for your next great app. So what are you waiting for? Let's get busy.
