From the course: Chief Technology Officer Career Guide

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The prototype process

The prototype process

- [Instructor] In order to get a clear direction on design, we often go through a prototype phase. This is an important phase because it will give you an idea of what your app will feel like and allow you to refine the user experience. The main idea behind rapid prototyping is to fail early, which is to say, even though your app doesn't really work, you will see how it will look and you can actually make changes before you write any code. When you create prototypes will generally depend on which development methodology you used. These are the ones we've talked about in the movie about the product lifecycle. In sequential methods, this will be done up front. In iterative methodologies, you will sometimes do this at the beginning of each cycle, though it's not a bad idea to do it up front for efficiency. There are a ton of great tools that enable this process, including Sketch, Figma, Adobe XD, and InVision. These tools enable you…
