From the course: Chief Technology Officer Career Guide

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The product life cycle

The product life cycle

- As CTO, you'll likely be managing one or more products, as such you'll need to have a strong command of the cycle of planning, designing, implementing, testing and upgrading of your apps. We call all this, the software development life cycle, or SDLC. In this movie, we're going to go over the phases of the SDLC, and the different methodologies to approach it. The SDLC, also goes by the names of product life cycle or project life cycle or PLC. Or is called systems development life cycle and even application development life cycle. So if you hear these other terms, they're basically the same thing. How we plan, develop and deliver our applications. There are six basic phases to the SDLC, planning and analysis, defining requirements, design, development, testing and deployment. There are two general ways that teams use to implement these phases, the iterative model will break the application into smaller builds and develop them using the phases I mentioned earlier. The idea is to allow…
