From the course: Chief Technology Officer Career Guide

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Running efficient meetings

Running efficient meetings

- [Voiceover] No matter how you slice it, management is about meetings. Brace yourself because you will have a lot of them. It's estimated that there are up to 50 million meetings every day in the U.S. and statistically as a CTO in upper management, you will spend over 50% of your time in them. But while meetings can be extremely helpful, a Verizon study found that about 30% were between only somewhat effective and a total fail. If you're going to spend 50% of your time in meetings, you don't want them to fail. So here are a few tips to make them more efficient. Here's a funny thought, maybe you need more meetings. One of the reason why meetings fail is that they're too long. People end up distracted, sleeping or simply not engaging. Meetings are too long when you have to much to cover. So, meeting more often ensures you can focus on the topic at hand and be done quickly. When you have a meeting about a project, it's important to have the right people there. Too often, a meeting is…
