From the course: Chief Technology Officer Career Guide

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Product Strategy

Product Strategy

- [Instructor] As CTO, you'll be responsible for the product vision and the strategy to carry that out. This is not something you'll do in a silo but something that will require you to coordinate with marketing, finance support, and other departments in your organization. Product strategy is the intersection of your customer's needs, the company's business vision, and technology, In early startups, your focus will likely be finding product market fit and your strategy will involve testing solutions as quickly as possible to find the right product. As your company matures, this will evolve into acquiring new users and retaining users as well as providing new features and products to support your business vision and your users' journey. Setting the product vision is a key first step. This should encapsulate these elements, the business goals, whom you're targeting, and how this will manifest in product. For our food delivery…
