From the course: Chief Technology Officer Career Guide

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Innovation and spotting opportunity

Innovation and spotting opportunity

- [Narrator] Let's face it, you want to be CTO because you want to make cool new things that no one else has done before, but often, there's so much other stuff to do that we lose track of this key aspect of our jobs. It's important to take the time, though, because it's your role to make sure your company is ahead of the technology curve. There are two layers of innovation, you and your team. For yourself, it's important that you do the following: Make sure to know your company's problems. This means talking with other departments, and not just management and the CEO and your customers. Ask, but also observe. Are there processes that take a long time that could be automated? Are there constant complaints coming from anyone? Also, what is working, and can you replicate that in other areas? Your customers will not tell you what they need. It is very important that you understand who your customer is and always be thinking about how you can better help them. For our food delivery…
