From the course: Chief Technology Officer Career Guide

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Identifying key performance indicators

Identifying key performance indicators

From the course: Chief Technology Officer Career Guide

Identifying key performance indicators

- [Voiceover] It is important, in business and in our application development, that we have a clear set of measurable and obtainable objectives. These items we call key performance indicators, or KPIs and should be ways we can measure the effectiveness and success of our applications. Looking at some examples from our food subscription startup, we may have the following KPIs: the number of completed subscriptions, number of skipped weeks, mobile app downloads, and some other big ones. But it's important to get even more granular. How many people are opening a specific screen in the app? How many people view the details of menu items? Note that KPIs are simply measures, not goals. Of course, we can use these numbers to set goals. But the main thing is to create these metrics so we can get actionable data. These data all relate to questions of whether our apps are achieving our business objectives, whether user flows are working, and whether people are using the features we develop…
