From the course: Chief Technology Officer Career Guide

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Creating a great corporate culture

Creating a great corporate culture

- [Instructor] Finding good employees is time consuming and extremely challenging. So once you find good people, you want to make sure to have a workplace they want to be a part of, that you utilize them to the best of their abilities and that they stick around for a while. A quick fact, a Johns Hopkins University study found that 95% of employees valued corporate culture more than compensation and it makes sense. Where we work is where we spend most of our time so we want it to be rewarding and enjoyable. So what exactly do we mean by corporate culture? It's certainly everywhere. According to an MIT study, 85% of Fortune 500 companies speak to corporate culture on their websites. Simply put, a corporate culture is this. "A system of shared values defining what is important "and norms defining appropriate attitudes and behaviors." Creating corporate culture is more than just saying what you value. It's about backing it up with actions, stories, hires and rewards. Corporate culture is…
