From the course: Chief Technology Officer Career Guide

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A note on messaging and emails

A note on messaging and emails

- [Instructor] As I discussed in the team communications movie, there is no singular more important thing in having a productive and efficient team than communication. And e-mail and other tools like Slack have become essential in keeping a team talking. But there can be a downside to these messaging tools and this can be something not often talked about but it deserves discussion. Let's take a look at our most used app, e-mail. While e-mail is a great way to send messages and documents, it's important that it's used correctly. It is estimated that we spend between 25 and 45% of our day using e-mail. We check our e-mails 36 times per hour and it takes us 16 minutes to get back on track after responding to an e-mail. We're over relying on this technology to the point where we're addicted and it's wasting our time. So make sure you and your team only e-mail when necessary. A study by e-mail experts Mimecast found that two out of three e-mails were inessential. Make sure your e-mails are…
