From the course: ChatGPT for Project Managers: 10x Your Productivity with AI

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Ethical considerations

Ethical considerations

- [Instructor] Let's get serious for a moment and talk about the ethical considerations of using AI in project management. Today, we're covering three key points. First, importance of ethical AI usage. Second, real world ethical dilemmas. And thirdly, ensuring your AI use aligns with your values. First up, why ethical AI usage is really important? Consider this as laying the foundation for every AI driven project you manage. Say you're using ChatGPT to automate project updates. You don't want people to assume it's you making updates if it wasn't, especially if the content is missing some key context. For example, you could add a disclaimer to the automated messages stating this update was auto-generated with the help of ChatGPT. This lets everyone know that you're being transparent. You want to be open and honest that an AI tool is helping you create these updates because transparency fosters trust. Onto ethical dilemmas, you might think of using ChatGPT to generate risk assessments…
