From the course: Cert Prep: Word Expert - Microsoft Office Specialist for Microsoft 365 Apps

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Create and manage indexes

Create and manage indexes

- [Instructor] An index is a reference that can be added to a document to help those reading the document find specific content. This may sound similar to a table of contents and while it is, we're going to try it out so that you can see some of the differences. Before we get started with setting up an index, let's display the hidden formatting symbols within this document. It's going to be helpful for us to see where we're creating the index entries and to be able to manage those index entries later on. It's here on the home ribbon. Over here in the paragraph group, we'll go ahead and select Show/Hide. Now you'll notice that we have some of these hidden symbols that are displayed, showing us where we have formatting like this page break, and where we have spaces and all sorts of stuff within this document. All right, let's continue scrolling down. We're going to go to page four. Now, indexes are really helpful when…
