From the course: Cert Prep: Word Expert - Microsoft Office Specialist for Microsoft 365 Apps

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Create and manage bibliographies

Create and manage bibliographies

- [Instructor] Before we create a bibliography, we need to create citations for the document sources. Citations provide credit for where the information is being cited from. This could be for a book, for a website, for a case study, or even other sources. I have both the exercise files open for this lesson and I recommend that you do as well. We'll be working in 04_09_Bibliography, that's the file at the top, to set up placeholders, to set up citations, and then to build a bibliography. The other file at the bottom, 04_09_Bibliography_Sources is where we'll get the bibliography source information from to create everything that we need. All right, so in the bibliography document, we need to be on page 3 and we're looking for the paragraph that starts with the bold text titled Parchment Paper. We're going to go down here and find where it says Ryder, 1964 inside the parentheses. If you're already familiar with placeholders,…
