From the course: Cert Prep: Word Expert - Microsoft Office Specialist for Microsoft 365 Apps

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Change the Normal template default font

Change the Normal template default font

- [Instructor] When you create a new blank document like the document that you see here, it's based on what's called the Normal template. The Normal template contains specific attributes including a default font. It's set to Calibri size 11. So notice here, Calibri (Body) size 11. Now, if we want to change this, we can do that by going here to the Font group within the home ribbon and then selecting the font dialogue box launcher. That brings us here. Now let's go ahead and make some changes maybe to what font we want to use. So maybe for this one we'll go with something like Arial and we'll change the size to 12. Here we have a preview of it but to make this the default font when we're using that Normal template going forward for our new documents, we need to go to the lower left corner and select Set as Default. Notice we have a message here asking if we want to set this font to Arial 12 point for just this…
