From the course: Cert Prep: Excel Expert - Microsoft Office Specialist for Microsoft 365 Apps

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Look up data using XLOOKUP(), VLOOKUP(), HLOOKUP(), INDEX(), and MATCH()

Look up data using XLOOKUP(), VLOOKUP(), HLOOKUP(), INDEX(), and MATCH() - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Cert Prep: Excel Expert - Microsoft Office Specialist for Microsoft 365 Apps

Look up data using XLOOKUP(), VLOOKUP(), HLOOKUP(), INDEX(), and MATCH()

- [Instructor] In this video, we are going to look at several lookup functions, vertical lookup, HLOOKUP for horizontal lookup, XLOOKUP and index and match. Let's go ahead and jump into our document. It's 04_06 LOOKUP and we'll first focus on horizontal lookup because the information on our HLOOKUP worksheet is horizontal. We're going to focus on the sales for each of our customers. In B14, I'll type equals HLOOKUP. I'm going to go into our function arguments window. Our lookup_value is B&B Spaces. The table_array will select from B4 all the way over to I9. I'll make this an absolute reference so we can copy this formula down. The row where we will find the sales is row one, two, three, row three, and the range_lookup. Do we want a match that is absolute or do we want the closest match? Do we want an exact match or closest? I want an exact match, so I'm going to type in false. We'll go ahead and click OK. And there is…
