From the course: C# and .NET Essential Training

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Working with directories

Working with directories - C# Tutorial

From the course: C# and .NET Essential Training

Working with directories

- [Instructor] Directories are very similar to files in that they can be created and deleted and they have their own sets of information about them, but they don't directly contain data the same way that files do. Directories are mainly an organizational mechanism. They give us ways of organizing collections of files and other directories. So in this example, we'll take a look at some of the features that make working with directories easier. So first, just like with files, creating and deleting directories is pretty simple. So let's open up the code here in the Directories folder. And what I'm going to do is write if not directory dot exists, and you can see that I have a variable here named dirname which is going to be my test directory name. So if that doesn't already exist, then let's create it. We'll call Directory.CreateDirectory and if it does exist, then let's delete it. So let's go ahead and run this, open this…
