From the course: C# and .NET Essential Training

What you should know

- [Instructor] Before we begin the course, there are some concepts that you should already be familiar with. In this course, I'm going to be introducing the .NET platform and some of the features it provides for building cross-platform applications, and I'll be using the C Sharp programming language along with the Visual Studio Code developer tool from Microsoft. You can use regular Visual Studio as well if you're on Windows, but as of the recording of this course, Visual Studio 2022 on the Mac doesn't yet fully support .NET 6. So to make things easy, I'll just use VS Code along with the command line for this course, so you could follow along easily whether you're on Mac, Windows, or Linux. You don't need to have any prior experience with .NET, but this is not the place to start if you don't have any programming experience. To take this course, you should at least have some knowledge of the basics of programming, such as what variables are, and how to use functions and so on. If you need to brush up on your basic programming knowledge, then consider taking Programming Foundations: Fundamentals, or Programming Foundations: Object-Oriented Design first. I'm also going to assume that you at least have some basic experience with C Sharp. Even though this is an introductory course to .NET, again, this is not the place to start if you don't already know some C Sharp. If you need to get up to speed with C Sharp, then consider taking the Learning C Sharp course. And finally, since we're going to be using Visual Studio Code in this course, you might want to consider watching some of the great Visual Studio Code related courses, if you need to familiarize yourself with this tool such as Visual Studio Essential Training. When you feel comfortable with each of these subjects, you're ready to proceed.
