From the course: C# and .NET Essential Training

Installing .NET

- If you're installing .NET on Windows or Mac then you have a couple of options open to you. This page in the Microsoft documentation provides all the instructions needed to get .NET installed on your computer. For Mac and Windows. The easiest way is probably to just install Visual Studio which will take care of the process for you. If you're using a different editor, such as VS Code then you might need to install .NET separately. So let's begin by checking to see if your system already has .NET installed. On your computer, whether it's Mac, Windows, or Linux, open a terminal window and then enter the command dotnet--version. And you can see that when I run this command I have .NET six on my computer as the current version of .NET. Now, if you didn't get a result that looks like this or if you got an error message then you'll need to install the .NET Framework. If you already have .NET installed, then make sure the current version is six because the exercises in this course are built to work with version six of .NET. Now different .NET versions can be installed side by side with each other, and you can check to see which SDKs you have by typing dotnet--list-sdks. And when I run this, you can see that I have both five and six and 3.1 installed and multiple versions of each. So if you want to install .NET manually then let's go back to that link. So here on this page, right? You can click on the appropriate link for your machine. So we have Install on Windows, right? Install on MacOs. You can also install on Linux and Linux is a little more complex cause you have to choose the operating system flavor that you're using on Linux. But, so for example let's go back to the Windows link, right? And I'll go ahead and click on the Download .NET button. And that takes me to this download page where I can download these supported versions. So I'll click on .NET six and then I can download the appropriate link for my machine. So, click on the appropriate link for your machine download the installer and then run it. And then after the installer completes go back to the terminal window and run those steps again, to make sure that the installation process completed correctly.
