From the course: C# and .NET Essential Training

Exercise files

- [Instructor] I've provided exercise files for this course, which you can find in the GitHub Repository located at this link. So go ahead and navigate to this link in your browser and then either clone this repository or download it to your computer, and then place the exercise files somewhere on your computer where they are easy to access. I've also provided both finished and starting point versions of the exercise files. So the Finished folder contains all the finished examples and the Start folder contains the starting point for the code that I'm going to use in each exercise to build towards the finished point. So you can see here on my computer, I've put them here on the desktop, but that's not required. You could put them anywhere on your computer that's easy to access. So once you've got the exercise files downloaded and placed where you want them on your computer, then you are ready to proceed.
